It Is Not At All Shameful To Talk About Mental Health

We frequently feel uneasy about ourselves. We may feel not “normal” by the standards of society. It might have to do with the way we behave, think, or even dress. One of those issues is mental health. People with mental illnesses may feel uncomfortable. They may receive different treatment, be perceived adversely, and be made to feel ashamed or unworthy, as though they are somehow less than other people. Sustainable empowerment can boost their confidence in getting help for mental health.

Mental Health Stigma

When someone with a mental illness is described as “dangerous,” “crazy,” or “incompetent” rather than unwell, is a situation of stigma. It is time for us to acknowledge how mental health influences many of our physical illnesses. Living with mental health issues is not easy.

Stigma also exists when a person with a mental condition is ridiculed or labeled as weak for seeking treatment. False stereotypes are frequently present in this shame. For example, aggressive behaviour is common in those with mental problems than in the general population.

Anxious people may be labelled cowards rather than afflicted with an illness. You could tell someone who is despondent to “snap out of it.” It is untrue to say that those who have schizophrenia have “split personalities.” These are all examples of stigmatising people who are living with mental health issues.

What can we do to make them feel better in our presence?

It takes a lot of work to talk honestly about one’s current mental state, childhood traumas, or difficult living circumstances. 

Let them finish their sentences and their thoughts without interjecting. Once they’ve completed speaking, you can respond. Let them know if you understand. We can refrain from saying, such as “You’re just having a bad week” or “I’m sure it’s nothing.” Make yourself available to speak again. Even while it might be very liberating for someone to share something they’ve been keeping hidden, mental health concerns are rarely cured in a single conversation.

Support them if they need anything. It’s acceptable to let them know about particular hours or days of getting help for mental health.

The chaos and beauty of our lives coexist in our world. Let’s enhance its attractiveness so that everyone can enjoy it.

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